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Take the first step.

Our team is dedicated to partnering with you through each step of the process, making your experience personal, thorough, and informative. Start here.

Submit an Inquiry Form

The Inquiry Form helps us customize your admission experience. An Admission team members will follow up with your directly after receiving your inquiry. 


Tour Campus

You have to experience our campus in person! To plan your personalized tour, please call (817-560-5746) or email our office.


Follow us on Social Media

Our social media channels are a great way to learn more about life at All Saints'!

Kids Walking in Union

Curious about the application process?  

The application process varies slightly based on your child's grade level but we try to keep it as simple as possible, and we're here to help along the way.

Investigate the application process.

Meet our Admission Team

Daniel Carroll

Director of Admission
(817) 717-4039

Lissa Thomas Harrison '02

Admission Community Liaison
(817) 717-4039

Amanda Schram Endsley '10

Assistant Director of Admission, Early Childhood and Lower School
(817) 935-2214

Brittany Floyd

Admission Data Manager
(817) 560-5746

Mary Tracy

Associate Director of Admission, Middle School & Upper School
(817) 717-4022

All Saints’ Episcopal School of Fort Worth acknowledges its obligation to prohibit discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, sex, citizenship status, genetic information, handicap or disability in admissions, access, employment, tuition assistance, educational policies, or other School-administered student and employee programs and activities.