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Saints Scholar Application


Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
School Yearrequired
Must contain only numbers
Have you submitted your application for admission (required for consideration)?required
To be considered for the All Saints' Episcopal School Saints Scholar Award Program, you are required to provide the following, along with a completed application for Admission and this completed application:
1. School transcripts
2. Three character reference letters (one of which is required for the application for Admission to grades 6-12).
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure his/her applications are complete by the deadline. Contact the Admission Office to inquire about the completion of your Admission and Saints' Scholar application files.
Attach up to 2 files with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
Attach up to 3 files with a maximum size of 10MB
No file chosen
All information submitted in this application and accompanying documents is true to the best of our knowledge. No information with regard to the profile of the student application has been knowingly omitted. We acknowledge that we waive our right of access to the confidential recommendations and any information in the application file for the Saints Scholar Award Program.
The electronic signatures below are treated by All Saints' Episcopal School of Fort Worth like a physical handwritten signature.required